Test 10% by Attrib

Hewlett Packard - by attributes SALE

Hewlett Packard - by attributes SALE

The Product Price is set to 0.00 The Product Priced by Attributes is set to YES The attribute prices are defined without the price prefix of + The...
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Hewlett Packard - by attributes SALE with Special

Hewlett Packard - by attributes SALE with Special

The Product Price is set to 0.00 The Product Priced by Attributes is set to YES The attribute prices are defined without the price prefix of + The...
$499.00  $374.25
Ahorre: 25% descuento
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TEST 25% special 10% Sale Attribute Priced

TEST 25% special 10% Sale Attribute Priced

Priced by Attributes - Product price is set to $0.00 All attributes are marked to make the price. Product is $0 Special is 25% Sale is 10%
$150.00  $112.50
Ahorre: 25% descuento
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Zen Cart the art of e-commerce

Ofertas  [todos]

Russ Tippins Band - The Hunter
Russ Tippins Band - The Hunter
$4.99  $3.00
Ahorre: 40% descuento
Special Product
Special Product
$15.00  $10.00
Ahorre: 33% descuento

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